Sunday, April 15, 2012


     Who has better sex, men or women?  Who controls the sex, when it's happening between a man and a woman?  Who has more sex?  These are all valid questions when thinking about the male and female roles in sexual intercourse and also in relationships in general.  
     In an article I just read from the Hitched Magazine, sex scientists say that women want sex to be more about the connection between the two partners and men want it to be more about the orgasm.  The reason you usually see women refusing to have sex with men in movies and on TV is because men make sex all about themselves, once they're done, the sexual moment is over and it turns into nap time.  In order to make women more keen on having sex with them, men have to cater to their needs ever once in a while.  
     Also, men always say they want women to take control of the sex, and rock their world, but sometimes when they do, the men don't know how to handle it and freak out.  If a woman is sexually assertive, the man will be taken aback and will make it seem like the woman did something wrong, when she was just horny!
     It seems to me like the system is backwards sometimes, why does the man always have to/get to decide when and how the sex happens?  Here are some reasons why, thought this does not apply to all women and all men, the statistics show that about 30 percent of women suffer from lack of desire, and only 14 percent of men suffer from it.  Also, masturbation has a large role in who thinks about sex more, men tend to engage in solo sex 25% more than women do.  This shows that even when they aren't getting any with a girlfriend or wife they still pleasure themselves more often than the women.
     To wrap it up, statistically men want sex more than women do.  But I beg to differ and say that women are just as likely to assert a sexual act on a man as a man is to a woman.  If the man is taken aback by this then he needs to get over it because some women are just as horny as men!

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