Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Relationships~ with People, with Technology

Living in a tethered world, where everyone we know has a cell phone and a facebook or twitter acount, is an anxious world to live in.  Being constantly connected to the people we care about most (i.e. parents, friends, lovers) carries with it a necessity to know what is happening in the other persons world at all times.

I encountered a situation last night where one of my friends had been talking to her boyfriend earlier in the day and he had stopped responding to her texts kind of abruptly.  She had texted him then saying she didn't like how the conversation ended and he didn't answer for an hour and half.  When she called me over to her room she was freaking out that something bad had happened to him in that hour and a half.  She was very confused as to why he hadn't answered her texts or calls.  I tried to console her telling her he was probably just being a stupid boy and forgot his phone in his room or something but it did not calm her down.

We live in a world full of instant gratification.  When you send someone a text, you get a reply within ten minutes, always.  If the person isn't responding, that provides an answer to your question in itself; when they don't answer our texts, we automatically think that they are saying in their minds, "I don't like you, I'm ignoring you".  Some people simply can't handle this notion of being ignored or even thinking they are being ignored.  This instant gratification policy is not a good thing when it comes to learning to be patient.  Our world is full of impatient people who look for immediate replies to texts and emails, and when they don't get it, you get another text ten minutes later saying, "Are you mad at me?".

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Food Frenzy

    A big difference between men and women is the food intake.  The kinds of food, the quality of the food, what's in the food, and how good the food is for you are all major factors in detecting a difference between men and women's diets.  Also the amount of food consumed by men and women is different.  In general, it is believed that men eat everything in sight and women choose their portions carefully so as not to overeat.  Men don't care about eating crap all day everyday, but women like to eat balanced diets with a little bit of unhealthy food for dessert typically.

     Vegetarians and vegans are much more likely to be women than men.  I feel that men would be ridiculed much more if they were vegans or vegetarians because their friends would not be accepting of someone not eating the meat lovers pizza at D hall.  Obviously Skidmore is a much more accepting campus and I know guys who are vegetarians or eat very healthy for different reasons.  But I also know guys who refuse to eat vegetables because they never liked the taste of them, so it really depends who you are talking about.

     The weight issue is also a problem with many women and not men.  There are about 8 million people in the U.S. suffering from an eating disorder and only 10 % of them are men.  A eating disorder means the person suffering sees themselves as much heavier than they actually are and therefore do not eat as much as they should.  Women also tend to care much more if they are overweight then men do.  So, even though more men are overweight then women, the men who are overweight don't do anything about it and women do.


     Who has better sex, men or women?  Who controls the sex, when it's happening between a man and a woman?  Who has more sex?  These are all valid questions when thinking about the male and female roles in sexual intercourse and also in relationships in general.  
     In an article I just read from the Hitched Magazine, sex scientists say that women want sex to be more about the connection between the two partners and men want it to be more about the orgasm.  The reason you usually see women refusing to have sex with men in movies and on TV is because men make sex all about themselves, once they're done, the sexual moment is over and it turns into nap time.  In order to make women more keen on having sex with them, men have to cater to their needs ever once in a while.  
     Also, men always say they want women to take control of the sex, and rock their world, but sometimes when they do, the men don't know how to handle it and freak out.  If a woman is sexually assertive, the man will be taken aback and will make it seem like the woman did something wrong, when she was just horny!
     It seems to me like the system is backwards sometimes, why does the man always have to/get to decide when and how the sex happens?  Here are some reasons why, thought this does not apply to all women and all men, the statistics show that about 30 percent of women suffer from lack of desire, and only 14 percent of men suffer from it.  Also, masturbation has a large role in who thinks about sex more, men tend to engage in solo sex 25% more than women do.  This shows that even when they aren't getting any with a girlfriend or wife they still pleasure themselves more often than the women.
     To wrap it up, statistically men want sex more than women do.  But I beg to differ and say that women are just as likely to assert a sexual act on a man as a man is to a woman.  If the man is taken aback by this then he needs to get over it because some women are just as horny as men!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Super Heroines

     How much do you guys know about super heroes? How many could you list off the top of your head right this minute?  Let's see: Superman, Batman, Robin, Hulk, Mr. Incredible, Spiderman, Captain America, Wolverine, Iron Man, Flash, and so on and so on.  How many woman superheroes can you name, or should I say superheroines...? Wonder Woman, Elastigirl, Rogue, Storm.... That's about all i got!  What the hell!  But before we get carried away, lets just talk about how totally awesome these super heroines are.  Have you ever seen what happens to a Toad when it gets hit by lightening? Because storm has (only serious X-Men people will get that).


      Who're the only 2 chicks in the Justice League? Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl.  Depends what season or time period you watch, but sometimes its just Wonder Woman, and she kicks major villain ass!  Super heroines held their own in the fighting department, most of the time saving Superman or Flash's butt's while still pounding on the bad guys faces.  I'm a big fan of X-men and was never really into watching the Justice League when I was younger with my brother, but I'm very into women power figures.

     In the Incredibles, Mr. Incredible starts going on secret missions without telling his wife (Elastigirl), and she begins to think he is cheating on her when she finds a hair on his jacket!  But then she finds out he is trying to relive the glory days without her and she gets super mad.  She was always the one who wanted to keep fighting crime and never settle down and have a family, but then when they did he started getting antsy and went off on secret missions!  When Elastigirl finds out she gets there as quick as she can and helps free him from the trap he got himself into.  (AKA: girl power! like he would be dead without her.)  The point is people, there should be more female super heroes!!!!